Monday, September 13, 2010

Italy to present UN resolution on religious minorities

ROME: Italy will present a resolution on the protection of religious minorities at the next United Nations' general assembly, Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said on Monday.

“Freedom of religion is a principle that applies to every religion,” Frattini said after meeting in Rome with Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistan's minister for minorities, a Catholic.

“We are greatly concerned by the persecution of Christians in many countries around the world,” Frattini said.

Two Christian brothers accused of writing a blasphemous pamphlet critical of the Prophet Mohammed were shot dead in July outside a court in eastern Pakistan.

“Over the past months in Pakistan Christians were murdered in some villages, stirring consciences in Europe and also in Italy,” Frattini said.

In August 2009, eight Christians were burned alive after being accused of blasphemy.

“We have to say clearly that if there is a clash, it is between extremists, not between Christians and Muslims,” Frattini said.

Bhatti said he “appreciated Frattini's commitment on religious freedom,”adding that the Pakistani government had “taken many steps forward” on the issue. – AFP

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