Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Remand extended of accused policemen in Sialkot lynching

SIALKOT: Seven of the accused in the Sialkot lynching incident, including ex-DPO Sialkot, were sent on a seven-day-long judicial remand.

The Anti-Terrorist Court in Gujranwala handed over former ASI Waris Ali to the police for a day-long physical remand. Waris Ali was arrested on Tuesday.

Non-bailable arrest warrants were issued to arrest the 18th accused Shafique alias Fauji of Buttar village.

The hearing of the bail appeal of ex-DPO Sialkot has been scheduled for September 14.

Blasts targeting Iraqi police kill three in Baghdad

BAGHDAD: A car bomb and a roadside bomb exploded near a bus terminal in the Iraqi capital on Wednesday, killing three people and wounding a score of others, police and Interior Ministry sources said.

The car bomb exploded near a garage at the terminal in the Bayaa district of southwestern Baghdad, followed by the detonation of a roadside bomb after people gathered at the scene, the sources said.

The bombs appeared to target a police patrol, the sources said, and Iraqi police and soldiers were among the dead and wounded.

The Interior Ministry source put the toll at three killed and 20 wounded. The police source said the blasts killed three and wounded 23.