Friday, August 27, 2010

India’s hockey participation at Games confirmed

NEW DELHI: India’s Supreme Court intervened on Friday to ensure the national men’s and women’s hockey teams took part in their own Commonwealth Games in October.

The teams had faced the prospect of missing the October 3-14 Games in New Delhi over a deadlock on who ran the sport in the country.

While the International Hockey Federation (FIH) has recognised Hockey India as the parent body, the sports ministry wanted the revived Indian Hockey Federation (IHF) to take charge again.

The ministry’s decision followed a lower court order in July that restored the IHF, two years after it was dissolved by the country’s Olympic chiefs over bribery allegations and poor on-field results.

The Indian Olympic Association had sacked the IHF in April 2008 and appointed a new body, Hockey India, to run the sport in the country.

A two-judge bench of the Supreme Court on Friday directed the Indian Olympic Association and Hockey India to select the two teams for the Games, pending a fuller verdict.

“We direct as an interim measure that IOA and HI will field the Indian team for men and women hockey in the Commonwealth Games,” the Press Trust of India (PTI) quoted the ruling as saying.

India, once the masters of field hockey with eight Olympic titles, failed to qualify for the 2008 Beijing Olympics and finished eighth in the World Cup in New Delhi in March this year.

The FIH last month announced that India would be the venue for the 2011 Champions Trophy following the success of the World Cup. —AFP

Bomb blasts kill three US soldiers in Afghanistan

KABUL: Three American soldiers were killed Friday in separate bomb attacks in Afghanistan, Nato said.

The International Security Assistance Force (Isaf), Nato's counter-insurgency mission in Afghanistan, said two of the soldiers died in a Taliban-type roadside bomb attack in eastern Afghanistan.

The third died in a similar bombing in the volatile south.

An Isaf spokesman confirmed to AFP that all three were Americans.

Their deaths took to 465 the number of foreign troops killed in Afghanistan so far this year, compared to 521 for the whole of last year, according to an AFP count based on the independent website.

There are nearly 150,000 US-led foreign troops in Afghanistan fighting to reverse an escalating Taliban-led insurgency and to train Afghan government forces so they can take responsibility for national security.

Police shake-up in Indian-administered Kashmir

SRINAGAR: The top policeman in Indian Kashmir, where 64 protesters have been killed in the last few months, has been removed from his post after the prime minister urged a change in police tactics, officials said.

Farooq Ahmed, the police chief for Muslim-majority Kashmir valley, has been transferred and replaced by S.M. Sahai, a senior officer in New Delhi who has previously served in the region.

“In all over a dozen senior police officers have been transferred,” said a statement late Thursday announcing the shake-up.

Kuldeep Khoda, the overall head of police in the state, which includes the relatively calm southern Jammu region and violent northern Kashmir, will remain in his post.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addressed police chiefs from around the country on Thursday and in rare remarks directly questioning tactics urged “non-lethal, yet effective and more focused, measures” to be used in Kashmir.

Also Thursday, ten policemen and five protesters were wounded in fresh clashes.

“Ten policemen were injured when a huge mob pelted stones on a police station in Sopore late Thursday evening,” a police statement said, referring to a volatile town about 50 kilometres north of Indian-administered Kashmir summer capital Srinagar.

Three protesters were injured when police fired teargas in retaliation, police said, adding that two more protesters were hurt around same time in clashes with police in Srinagar.

The Muslim-majority scenic Kashmir region has been under rolling curfews to contain deadly protests that began with the killing on June 11 of a teenage student in Srinagar by a police tear-gas shell.

Anti-India sentiment runs deep in Kashmir, where Muslim militants have fought a 20-year insurgency in Indian Kashmir against Hindu-majority rule from New Delhi.

The mountainous region is held in part by Pakistan and India but claimed in full by both. —AFP

Pakistani Taliban hint at attacks on aid workers

MIR ALI, Pakistan: The Taliban hinted they may launch attacks against foreigners helping Pakistan respond to the worst floods in the country's history, saying their presence was ''unacceptable.'' The UN said it would not be deterred by violent threats.

The militant group has attacked aid workers in the country before, and an outbreak of violence could complicate a relief effort that has already struggled to reach the eight million people who are in need of emergency assistance.

Pakistani Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq claimed Thursday that the US and other countries that have pledged support are not really focused on providing aid to flood victims but had other motives he did not specify.

''Behind the scenes they have certain intentions, but on the face they are talking of relief and help,'' Tariq told The Associated Press by telephone from an undisclosed location. ''No relief is reaching the affected people, and when the victims are not receiving help, then this horde of foreigners is not acceptable to us at all.''

He strongly hinted that the militants could resort to violence, saying ''when we say something is unacceptable to us, one can draw one's own conclusion.''

UN humanitarian chief John Holmes said the UN remained committed to helping flood victims in Pakistan.

''We will obviously take these threats seriously as we did before, and take appropriate precautions, but we will not be deterred from doing what we believe we need to do, which is help the people of Pakistan ... who have been affected by the flood,'' he told a news conference at UN headquarters in New York.

Holmes noted that the Pakistani Taliban carried out a suicide attack against the office of the UN's World Food Program in Islamabad last October, killing five staffers, and in March, militants attacked the offices of World Vision, a US-based Christian aid group helping earthquake survivors in northwestern Pakistan, killing six Pakistani employees.

He said UN security experts will be working with UN agencies and international organizations ''to assess what the risks are and to minimize them.''

US State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said Washington is also taking the threat of attacks by militants seriously.

''We have information of the potential targeting of foreign relief workers in Pakistan, as well as government ministries,'' Crowley told reporters in Washington, adding, ''It just underscores the bankrupt vision that these extremists have and we are conscious of that threat.''

According to the United Nations, almost 17.2 million people have been significantly affected by the floods and about 1.2 million homes have been destroyed or badly damaged.

Holmes said UN agencies have reached almost 2 million Pakistanis with emergency food supplies and an estimated 2.5 million with clean drinking water. He said medical treatment has been provided to about 3 million people and more than 115,000 tents and 77,000 tarpaulins have been distributed.

About 70 percent of the $460 million initially sought by the UN and its humanitarian partners for flood relief _ some $325 million _ has either been contributed or pledged so far by foreign donors, while an additional $600 million has been provided or promised outside the appeal, he said.

''We're approaching $1 billion with funds offered or already contributed inside and outside the appeal for this crisis,'' Holmes said. ''That's a reasonable response, but we certainly need more.''

The floods began almost a month ago with the onset of the monsoon and have ravaged a massive swath of Pakistan, from the mountainous north to its agricultural heartland.

The US military has also stepped in to help, flying helicopters that have evacuated flood victims and delivered relief supplies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the northwest province that was hit hardest by the floods.

It is unclear how many foreigners are operating on the ground in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which borders Pakistan's semiautonomous tribal area where the Pakistani Taliban are strongest. Many aid organizations involved in the relief effort have been in Pakistan for years and use networks of locals in the most dangerous areas.

The United Nations said Thursday that the group won't let violent threats deter its relief effort.

''There is a lot of work ahead and millions of people who need our assistance,'' said Maurizio Giulano, spokesman for the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs which Holmes heads. '' We would find it inhumane for someone to target us and our work, effectively harming the millions of people whose lives we strive to save.''

The Pakistani Taliban carried out a suicide attack against the office of the UN's World Food Program in Islamabad last October, killing five staffers. In March, militants armed with assault rifles and a homemade bomb attacked the offices of a US-based Christian aid group helping earthquake survivors in northwestern Pakistan, killing six Pakistani employees. – AP