Sunday, September 5, 2010

India test-fires Brahmos cruise missile

BHUBANESWAR: India on Sunday test-fired an advanced version of a supersonic cruise missile, officials said, as part of the country's drive to boost its defence system.

The Brahmos, which can travel at up to 2.8 times the speed of sound and has a range of 290 km (180 miles), was tested at a test range in the eastern state of Orissa.

“It was a fantastic test. It met all mission requirements,” S.P. Dash, director of the test range, told Reuters.

The Brahmos, named after India's Brahmaputra river and Russia's Moscow river, was developed by a joint venture between India's Defense Research and Development Organisation and Russia's NPO Mashinostroyen.

“The missile flew in the designated complex trajectory including large manoeuvres and a steep dive,” a Brahmos spokesperson said. – Reuters

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